This week I decided I HAD to make time to do a project. Remember when I used to do those (SO often!)? Well, I need to do more. It's good for me.
So even though I had no idea how to squeeze in the time, I ordered what I needed, and what do you know? The time showed up.
I decided to dye some dish towels. Shibori-style.
Couldn't find my rubber band stash, so I made do with twine.
Instead of using traditional indigo (with the heating and the oxidizing, etc) I just used a tie-dye refill kit (because I always keep the bottles from the other kits I've bought) and used the same method I've done for tie-dye.
I quite like how they turned out!
It felt SO good to do something creative, too.
I gave some away, some wrapped up with cutting boards for a bridal shower.
But I am definitely keeping a couple!
These will happen again! Good gift idea and very do-able in batches.
(And for my own benefit, since I will forget otherwise: each dye packet dyed about 2 towels (but I did 7 total). The towels are the same flour sack ones I've done before. And I got a couple little plastic-y gunk spots on two towels because I didn't let one of the dye packets dissolve enough. Duh, patience next time!)