Just checking in as I'm starting to get 'Are you alive?' emails and texts.
Still not good, though. This is taking forever to kick! Apparently pneumonia + asthma = pure evil.
It took about two full weeks to even feel like I was improving at all. There's been several doctor's appointments ("Seriously?" as in 'You again?' my doctor says) several scary days, and lots of money spent at the pharmacy. So I'm feeling somewhat better (I can breathe!) but still not good. Yuck.
And the air quality forecast is not so good the next couple of days, which I'm not looking forward to.
Lounging around in bed.
Trying to breathe.
Fun stuff.
And pretty bored when I'm feeling okay enough to notice.
Sometimes kiddos come play by me.

I have to make sure everything is right where I need it:
DS game case,
lip gloss,
moleskine notebook,
good pen (even if i could only find red),
and when I'm feeling okay, my collection of Jane Austen.
When I don't feel good I can't concentrate on anything. When I do feel good I should still be taking it easy. So I'm making lists.
Ridiculous lists.
I realized that the boys each have a friend party coming up for their next birthdays (November and April), so I have their party plans practically done. And those parties will be super fun.
I usually am starting to think about Christmas about now to watch for sales/deals- but it seems like it just was Christmas and I hadn't thought about it at all. I now have some ideas for that. This year the girl will be the hard one to shop for.
What I should be planning is school. I figure I'm pretty much missing this summer (boo!), I'd better be prepared for fall. Darn it. So I'm just getting started on those lists.*
I've filled about half of my notebook - that usually takes me a couple of months.
I'm super grateful for Aaron taking a week off of work to run the house.
Not only is he good to look at, but Aaron has awesome kitchen skillz.
We eat well.
And the house is not a disaster.
And he had to climb up on the roof and fix our cooler.
Make multiple runs to the pharmacy, fix the back door, etc.
He's awesome.
Then my mom and sister came up every day the next week to help me. And a couple of days this week.
My mom makes sure the boys do bike riding time, reading time, and make their beds. She changes sheets and puts away my laundry.
She's awesome, too.
The kids have been SO good through this. Playing together really well.
The girl has been doing laundry, watching the boys, and helping make dinner. She's pretty good at eggs, grilled cheese, and tortillas.
Friends have called and asked the kids to come over for the afternoon - which is great since they've been stuck here a lot.
My visiting teachers call to check on me every other day or so, and one took the girl to the library for me and they brought me home a Jamba Juice.
The Young Women decorated our driveway with chalk last night:
So while this sick stuff is getting old and I'm very tired of being sick, I am grateful to feel like I'm hopefully on the mend now, and know that I am loved.
Thanks for checking on me.
*If anyone has any awesome recommends for earth science/medieval history, I'm all ears!