Well, the decorations for Princess' Chinese party are what turned out best of all - thanks in large part to my friend Whitney, who let me borrow her paper lanterns. We missed you, Whitney!
I made tissue paper flowers to hang with them - so pretty and fun to make! Finding a decent supply of pink tissue paper was surprisingly hard - so I have 3 different colors of pink and some red flowers.
I painted the banner (which supposedly says 'Happy Birthday' - but I'm sure I didn't do it 100% right!) and the umbrella is on top of the cabinet.
On the table and on the mantel were vases of 'cherry blossoms'. I cut out lots of pink tissue paper blossoms and glue-gunned them to branches. I haven't thrown them away yet - they're pretty!
I had a couple of small white lanterns already, so I decoupaged some of the tissue paper blossoms to one of them, and let Princess paint the other (with watercolors - she did flowers and butterflies on hers). We may hang them in her room now.
Did I mention that most of this is still making my house pretty? It's hard to want to take it down!
More about the party: outfit, activities, write up on Apartment Therapy: Ohdeedoh