So, Thomas is out of preschool. We took him out a month early. He was hating school and getting little if anything out of it (his teacher wasn't following through with some of his goals and some of the things we'd agreed he needs to work on - grr). It just wasn't worth it anymore. Boy, did he have the most awesome/happy first week home! He was so glad to be home, and a joy to be around!
It's good, as he'll get a longer break before starting kindergarten in the beginning of August. The plan is still to mainstream him at our local public school. We got the teacher we requested, so that's good... I hope.
Last week I signed him up for swimming lessons. He's never taken them before, but the place where Princess takes lessons is in a home pool, taught by a very patient couple - and it's nearby and a great setup. When I called, I explained a little about Thomas. I also put it out there that if he shows he's not ready yet I would absolutely pull him out.
Well, he wasn't ready. Darn it.
It's okay, though - he just didn't realize it was a lesson, and wanted to play. We rarely (so very rarely) go swimming that he wanted to have fun, not wait for his turn to practice front floats. Thomas really did great for a while, but wasn't listening so great there at the end. He tried to go under the rope to the deep end directly after the teacher explained that they couldn't do that. Of course.
Luckily, he didn't realize it was supposed to be a two-week class, so he didn't ask to go back - which is also a sign that he didn't enjoy himself 100%. So it's all good.
It was a one-time thing... for this year. But this summer I need to take that kid to a pool to play!