I love being a mom. I so do.
I think that society (and even sometimes, inadvertently, us bloggers who write about our daily ups and downs) give mothering a bad name. I just want to throw this out: Being a mom rocks.
There is nothing better. I firmly believe there is no more important job in. the. world. Nothing. Nothing is more important that caring for and nurturing these amazing children. Doing your best to ensure that they are safe and grow up to be good people.
Yes, there is snot. And poop. Waiting for too long at doctor's offices and trying to clean the house with your kids 'un-doing' your work right behind you. I remember getting together with a childhood friend after we were both married and Princess was a baby. She said she was thinking of having a baby, but was concerned about stretch marks. I was thinking 'If that's what you're worried about, you're not ready.'
Motherhood is about being selfless. It is putting your children before yourself. You give up a lot of your time and energy, but it's worth it. Refocusing your priorities, especially while your children are young, is so important.
Dealing with bodily functions (and occasional whining), fumbling with strollers and chasing down kids at the park is all outweighed by the hugs and sloppy kisses, the handfuls of dandelions picked just for you. The dance recitals, watching the wonder of them learning how to read, pretending to be pirates (even you), and rocking out to the Ramones (or the Star Wars soundtrack). The snuggling, sharing of your favorite books, and watching them develop amazing personalities all their own.
It's awesome.
And so I just want to put this out there, especially for anyone reading who doesn't have kids yet. And to my sisters, who see me sometimes stressed, exhausted, the house messy, and dealing with two newly potty-trained boys.
It's all worth it.
Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there, and I urge you to share your feelings about motherhood with the girls around you, especially your daughters.
p.s. In between attempts at writing this post I: fixed a Lego castle (broken by a brother), built a blanket fort, stopped one kid from getting into my makeup (too late!), and read a Curious George story to another kid, who was patiently waiting. Just another morning in this family!