Today Monkey is three. I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone! He is such a cool, funny kid. He's now three going on 13. He's my prince - jedi knight - super jumper - comedian - monkey. He is so funny and I'm so glad I'm his mom!
(better/mushier post last year - and I might be able to come up with something better later - right now I'm trying to figure out our day!)
I like to make the birthday really revolve around the birthday kiddo. I came up with a list of things that Monkey likes to do - and that was our agenda for today. No errands, just fun.
Until Thomas woke up in the middle of the night with croup. Now he's home from school, which is fine - but throws off all our plans!
Breakfast: Donuts - still on, but complicated. We usually keep Thomas' gluten-free donuts in the freezer, but the store has been out of them recently, so so are we. We were going to eat them after he went to school - so now we'll have to sneak them? I feel bad about that, but Monkey picked out his donuts at the store yesterday - so we already have them.Playdate with friends at the park canceled due to weather (it snowed yesterday! Eighty degrees Monday, snow Tuesday...) and now I can't ask the little boys over to our house either.Out for Lunch Thomas' diet doesn't allow for going out to lunch - I'll have to make Monkey a corndog.Library NopePick up some balloons Nope
Frosting cupcakesFeed the ducks on the way home from the bus stop Now we're not going to the bus stop - plus the weather and Thomas being sick.
Dinner, cake, and presents with the grandparents Hopefully still on. Monkey insisted on hot dogs for dinner - so we'll grill and I'm making yummy baked beans.
Okay, so now I need to think of some Monkey-centric home-based activities for today!
- Star Wars (in progress - he chose Episode One)
- Watercolors?
- Playdough?
- Legos
- Lightsabers
- Make a new wooden train track set up
- Reading lots of books
- Computer time
- Maybe Aladdin or Matilda (new fave movies)
I let him open two gifts (his new 3 shirt and new Charlie and Lola books) this morning - I'm going to be tempted to let him open everything early just to make the day special - I'll try not to, though.
Anyway, happy birthday to my little guy - I hope you still have a good day!