A funny Princess-ism for today: She has written another
Halloween story - called "The Trail of Blood" (!?) and was talking to
me about how this character's family has really bad luck and it goes
way back:
Princess: Her Great-great-great-great-great grandmother was eaten by a basilisk .... like in the 1980's.
Me: (snort) You mean 1880's?
P: No, 1980's.
Me: That's when Aunt Kari was born. That wasn't that long ago.
P: Blank stare that plainly said 'Yes, it was.'
Me: Wait, how many 'Greats' did you say?
P: Um, about five. Yes, five.
She was a Y2K baby, so anything before that must seem SO 20th Century!
(BTW, she LOVED that she got some comments on her story - thanks!)
In other news...
We have changed our Halloween costume ideas. The original one was to have the kids all go as Harry Potter characters - Hermione, Ron (of course - redhead), and Baby Harry Potter. Which would have been pretty darn cute. But the Harry Potter phase has worn off quite a bit, and we really wanted to go with what Thomas was interested in. He's been playing Pirates a lot. He knows pirates from playing, Peter Pan, and drooling over the Playmobil catalogues. We're not big 'Pirates of the Carribbean' fans or anything.
So I bought him a pirate costume - I never buy costumes but whatever - and returned it because I think it was a little itchy for Thomas. I wanted to make sure his sensory needs were taken care of - so my next dilemma was how to make a pirate costume with really soft fabrics.
Here's what I came up with for the vest:
I bought a knit muscle shirt at a thrift store for $2:
turned it inside out, cut off the tags, and cut it down the middle. I had my neighbor serge down the cut sides for me - I don't have a serger - Thanks, Lisa!
Then I freezer-paper stencilled some piratey stuff on it. Now I think I might have to sew little ties or something on the top - so that it doesn't flap open - he won't really try it on, so it's hard to tell if it will. And Yo-Ho-Ho we're ready to go! More on the rest of his costume later!